Tuesday 27 November 2012

Anuvahood - Candidates Own Experience of Media Consumption

The devlopments of technology within the film industry have had both a positive and negative effect on a low budget film, such as Anuvahood. Developments in technology within the production stage of the film industry have had a negative effect on the film - the low budget did not allow Anuvahood to release their film in 3D, or in IMAX theatres, which are now-a-days seen as the standard way of releasing a film. Consequently, Anuvahood would automatically decrese in critics expectations and also would be less accessible to audiences who prefer to watch films in 3D or IMAX. However, the use of technology to create word of mouth has been an advantage for Anuvahood, as this is what they based their markting techniques on. Through the use of online distributors, like LoveFilm, I was able to watch this film at home and was able to send it back afterwards. As I didn't know what to expect from Anuvahood, I preferred to rent the film from LoveFilm rather than make a long term investment of buying the DVD, as there was a possibilty that I would not have liked it as much as I initially thought, and there was always the safety of sending the DVD back.

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